The difference between one fourth (not much) and one fifth (A LOT) is so small.
On day 20 of this challenge I felt chill about the process so far. Controlled. On track. On day 25 I realized I was a quarter done with my time and it freaked me the heck out.
But days 13-25 did bring a ton of progress to this project, so much so that I'm a mere few days away from working on the actual artwork for this book.

I wrote the script and edited it to a point that it was ready to be sketched out. I drew many thumbnail ideas and got a visual feel for the whole story. These two parts, writing and thumbnailing, take less time than doing the final art, but they're a lot tougher for me. The story is the cornerstone for the whole project; if it doesn't work, the art won't make it better. The thumbnails are the foundation; if they're not carefully thought out to work with the words on each page, the story will feel clumsy.
I'm not yet sold on my thumbnails, so I'll spend the next couple of days refining those and then... hehe... THE ART!
